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Report No.

Electronic structure of Pt and Pt-Co nanoparticles with O$$_{2}$$ and O$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O adsorption revealed by in situ XAFS and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Cui, Y.*; Harada, Yoshihisa*; Hatanaka, Tatsuya*; Nakamura, Naoki*; Ando, Masaki*; Yoshida, Toshihiko*; Ikenaga, Eiji*; Ishii, Kenji*; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Li, R.*; Oshima, Masaharu*

The electronic structures of Pt and Pt-Co nanoparticles with O$$_{2}$$ adsorption and O$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O co-adsorption were investigated by in situ hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) and in situ high resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS) to clarify the effects of water adsorption on fuel cell cathode catalysis surface. The experimental results suggest that under the pressure of 1 mbar, the adsorption of H$$_{2}$$O hinders the successive O$$_{2}$$ adsorption on Pt surface, while under the pressure of 1 bar, the adsorption of H$$_{2}$$O enhances the adsorption of O$$_{2}$$ on Pt surface. This water effect is found to be more significant on Pt surface than on Pt-Co surface. These results would be helpful to understand how the water affects the fuel cell performance and why Pt-Co nanoparticles show higher oxygen reduce reaction (ORR) activity than Pt nanoparticles.



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