※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Distributions of density and fission products in the reaction product between irradiated MOX fuel and molten zircaloy-2


石見 明洋 ; 勝山 幸三 ; 前田 宏治  ; 古屋 廣高*

Ishimi, Akihiro; Katsuyama, Kozo; Maeda, Koji; Furuya, Hirotaka*


Two- and three-dimensional images were obtained in the reaction product between zircaloy and MOX fuel by X-ray CT. In addition, the $$gamma$$-ray intensity distributions of two fission products (Cs-137 and Eu-154) and one neutron-activated nuclide (Co-60) were obtained in this specimen by $$gamma$$-ray measurements. The average values of the fuel density (about 10.5 g/cm$$^{3}$$) and the cladding density (about 6.55 g/cm$$^{3}$$) were obtained in the metallic phase region by evaluation of the density distributions on two-dimensional X-ray CT images. In addition, the distributions of the roughly crushed fuel pellet and the pores in the specimen could be clearly observed on the three-dimensional X-ray CT images. From the $$gamma$$-ray measurement, Cs-137 was observed on the unreacted fuel region and the region where pores exist in the metallic phase, and Eu-154 was widely distributed to all regions. On the other hand, Co-60 was confirmed only in the metallic phase region.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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