※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Stress intensity factor interaction of subsurface flaws under notches


長谷川 邦夫; Dulieu, P.*; Lacroix, V.*

Hasegawa, Kunio; Dulieu, P.*; Lacroix, V.*


The stress intensity factors of the subsurface flaws are affected by the stress concentrations caused by the notches. The interaction of stress intensity factor increases with increasing stress concentration factor and decreasing the ligament distance between the tips of the subsurface flaws and the notches for a given notch width. Such subsurface flaws shall be transformed to surface flaws at far distance of the notch tips for conservative evaluations. This paper shows the interactions of stress intensity factors of subsurface flaws under stress concentration fields. Based on the interaction, a flaw-to-surface proximity criterion for a circular flaw is proposed under the stress concentration field induced by a notch.



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