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Ten years since the Fukushima Daiichi NPP disaster; What's important when protecting the population from a multifaceted technological disaster

福島第一原子力発電所事故から10年; 多面的な技術災害から人々を守るために何が必要なのか

Callen-Kovtunova, J.*; 本間 俊充

Callen-Kovtunova, J.*; Homma, Toshimitsu


This paper presents key lessons on protecting the public during an emergency at a nuclear power plant (NPP) that have been identified from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. The paper describes what emergency arrangements were in place prior to the accident, what occurred during the emergency and then the ascertained lesson. The paper highlights the failings of dose project models, emphasizes several lessons identified from past emergencies, such as the importance of predetermined criteria and emergency zones for determining protective actions. It also presents an essential lesson previously overlooked: the need for arrangements to ensure the safe evacuation of patients from hospitals and care homes.



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分野:Geosciences, Multidisciplinary



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