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Report No.

Development of the reasonable confirmation methods concerning radioactive wastes from research facilities

Hayashi, Hirokazu ; Okada, Shota; Izumo, Sari ; Hoshino, Yuzuru; Tsuji, Tomoyuki ; Nakata, Hisakazu ; Sakai, Akihiro ; Amazawa, Hiroya; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki 

A near surface disposal for low-level radioactive waste (LLW) generated from commercial nuclear power plants (NPP) is operating in Japan. However, the disposal of LLW from other nuclear facilities and radioisotope utilization facilities has not yet been implemented. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) plans to implement the near surface disposal. In order to be disposed of these wastes, it must be confirmed by the regulator that each waste package (radioactive waste solidified with filling materials, such as cement, in a container by a regulated method is termed a waste package) conforms to technical standards that aim for safe disposal. JAEA has studied reasonable confirmation methods to demonstrate the conformity of the waste package to the technical standard as NPP operators have studied it. This report describes the outline of our activities focused on development of the confirmation method applicable to radioactive wastes from research facilities.



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