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多次元ナトリウム燃焼解析コードAQUA-SFの過酷事故解析への適用; 上向きスプレイ燃焼実験検証解析

Application of multi-dimensional sodium fire analysis code AQUA-SF to severe accident condition; Benchmark analysis of upward spray combustion experiment

青柳 光裕 ; 高田 孝  ; 大野 修司  ; 宇埜 正美*

Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Takata, Takashi; Ohno, Shuji; Uno, Masayoshi*


We have been conducting an R&D project to develop detailed numerical simulation methods for sodium fire consequences which is one of risks to put heat and pressure loads to containment vessel of sodium-cooled fast reactor. We carried out sodium fire analysis of an upward spray experiment for integrated validation of the analysis code. This paper describes detailed influencing factors in the validation.



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