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NMR investigation of spin fluctuations in the itinerant-electron magnetic compound $${rm Sr}_{1-x}{rm Ca}_x{rm Co}_2{rm P}_2$$

Imai, Masaki  ; Michioka, Chishiro*; Ueda, Hiroaki*; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi*

We took $$^{31}$$P NMR measurements of mainly paramagnetic phase $${rm Sr}_{1-x}{rm Ca}_x{rm Co}_2{rm P}_2$$ to reveal the itinerant-electron metamagnetic transition, and of its magnetically ordered phase, and characterized their spin fluctuations by estimating the spin fluctuation parameter $$T_{0}$$ corresponding to the width of the spin fluctuation in the spectrum in frequency space. As $$x$$ increases from 0 to 0.5, the in-plane component of $$T_{0}$$ decreases proportionally with the metamagnetic transition field. In the antiferromagnetic cT phase, $$T_{0}$$ is constant and spin fluctuations show an isotropic character in contrast to their behavior in the paramagnetic ucT phase. These results indicate that the in-plane spin fluctuations due to the quasi-two-dimensional crystal structure play a significant role in the metamagnetic transition of this system.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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