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Report No.

Recovery of rare metals using nucleic acid bases and extractants immobilized by grafted polymer chains

Saito, Kyoichi*; Asai, Shiho

Recovery and purification of rare metals, which are essential ingredients for highly functional materials, generally comes with operational difficulty. In this study, we have developed polymer adsorbents specially designed for highly-efficient adsorption of rare metal ions and exhibited their practical adsorption performances. Radiation-induced graft polymerization, one of the effective modification techniques for polymers, was employed for preparing the proposed adsorbents. Among such adsorbents, a 6-nylon fiber with nucleic-acid base, adenine, on the surface of the fiber demonstrated specific adsorption of ruthenium and palladium ions. In addition, a 6-nylon fiber with an extractant HDEHP (bis (2-ethylhexyl) phophoric acid) that has high affinity for lanthanides, achieved higher separation speed than a commercially available HDEHP-impregnated resin.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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