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Report No.

Beamline test of a transition-edge-sensor spectrometer in preparation for kaonic-atom measurements

Hashimoto, Tadashi*   ; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; 49 of others*

We are developing a new technique to apply transition-edge sensors (TESs) to X-ray spectroscopy of exotic atoms, especially of kaonic atoms. To demonstrate the feasibility of this pioneering project, performance of a TES-based X-ray detector was evaluated in pion- and kaon-beam environments at particle accelerators. We successfully observed X-rays from pionic-carbon atoms with a resolution as good as 7 eV FWHM at 6 keV. Also at a kaon beamline, we confirmed that the TES spectrometer will be able to achieve our resolution goal, 6 eV, in our first scientific campaign to measure X-rays from kaonic-helium atoms.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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