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Report No.

Evaluation and formulation of MOX fuel thermal conductivity

Ikusawa, Yoshihisa   ; Morimoto, Kyoichi ; Kato, Masato   ; Uno, Masayoshi*

The thermal conductivity of oxide fuel is one of the most important properties, since it affects temperature distribution in fuel during irradiation. It is well known that thermal conductivity strongly depends on the oxide-metal ratio (O/M) and burnup of the oxide fuel, and there have been many studies of UO$$_{2}$$ fuel. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of uranium-and-plutonium-mixed oxide (MOX) fuel is more complex than UO$$_{2}$$ fuel because it is influenced by plutonium content and alpha damage in addition to the aforementioned factors. We have measured the thermal conductivity of various MOX fuels, such as stored samples, irradiated samples, and, several different plutonium content samples. In addition, plutonium content, alpha damage, and burnup effects on MOX fuel thermal conductivity were investigated from the result of these measurements.



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