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Report No.

Effect of strong gravitational field on oriented crystalline perovskite-type manganese oxide La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$

Tokuda, Makoto*; Mashimo, Tsutomu*; Khandaker, J. I.*; Ogata, Yudai; Mine, Yoji*; Hayami, Shinya*; Yoshiasa, Akira*

We report the effect of a strong gravitational field on oriented crystalline perovskite-type manganese oxide La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ (LSMO). A strong gravitational field can change in crystalline state and the enhancement of usual diffusion. We subjected oriented crystalline La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ with different grain and grain-boundary (GBs) Sr concentrations to a strong gravitational field and investigated the resulting changes in the A-site cation diffusion and physical properties of the material. The quantitative analysis at the grain and GBs indicated that cation diffusion was more enhanced than the annealed one. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of the gravity samples changed with the Sr concentration in the grains. The temperature dependence of the resistivity curves of the gravity sample showed several abrupt changes, which corresponded to phase transitions at the grains and GBs, which may be caused by composition changes.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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