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Calculation of neutron cross-sections on copper-63 and -65


中山 梓介  

Nakayama, Shinsuke


Toward the development of the next version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL) general-purpose file, we calculate neutron cross-sections on $$^{63,65}$$Cu from 50 keV to 20MeV, which is the incident energy range above the resolved resonance region in JENDL-4.0. A dispersive optical model potential is adopted with a coupled-channel method for interaction between neutron and $$^{63, 65}$$Cu. Direct, pre-equilibrium, and compound processes are taken into account in the calculation. All cross-sections, differential and double-differential cross-sections are consistently calculated with a single set of model parameters. The calculation results reproduce the measured data very well. In addition, disagreement between the calculated and experimental values seen in an integral test for the $$^{63}$$Cu$$(n,alpha)^{60}$$ reaction is improved by using the cross-section data obtained from the present work.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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