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Numerical simulation of hydrogen thermal desorption profile under assumption of two kinds of trap sites for tempered martensitic steel

土田 豊*; 海老原 健一   

Tsuchida, Yutaka*; Ebihara, Kenichi


A single peak in thermal desorption profiles of hydrogen, which are measured in low-temperature thermal desorption spectrometry (L-TDS) for a very thin plate specimen of tempered martensitic steel, was reproduced successfully by the superposition of two Gaussian distributions. Then, the parameters concerning the detrapping rate constants for both peaks, which are trap energy and pre-exponential factor, were calculated using the Choo-Lee plot. We confirmed that Kissinger model incorporating the obtained parameters could simulate the two peaks. In addition, we reproduced the single peak well using the reaction-diffusion equation incorporating the obtained parameters and the appropriate trap site concentration. From the results, we interpreted that the one peak corresponds to dislocation and the other to grain-boundary.



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分野:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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