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Development of a simultaneous evaluation method of radioactivity in soil and dose rate using CeBr$$_{3}$$ and SrI$$_{2}$$(Eu) scintillation detectors for environmental monitoring


古渡 意彦; 谷村 嘉彦   ; Kessler, P.*; Neumaier, S.*; Roettger, A.*

Kowatari, Munehiko; Tanimura, Yoshihiko; Kessler, P.*; Neumaier, S.*; Roettger, A.*

The simultaneous evaluation of dose rate and radioactivity using newly developed scintillation detectors, i.e. CeBr$$_{3}$$ and SrI$$_{2}$$(Eu) was investigated for environmental radiation measurement in emergency situation. Energy dependence and linearity tests of both detectors were conducted in a low background laboratory operated by the German metrological institute and found to be applicable to environmental monitoring purposes. As a result of environmental $$gamma$$ ray measurements in normal condition, evaluated air kerma rate and radioactivity in/on soil for $$^{137}$$Cs, $$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{40}$$K seemed consistent. Results also support that methods developed in the study are reliable and applicable to the environmental radiation measurement.



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