※ 半角英数字
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Material test and bursting test of used rupture disk in Monju

市川 正一; 伊藤 健司 ; 脇本 文次; 刀根 公平; 渡邊 雄介; 小林 孝典; 上倉 亮一

Ichikawa, Shoichi; Ito, Kenji; Wakimoto, Fumitsugu; Tone, Kohei; Watanabe, Yusuke; Kobayashi, Takanori; Uekura, Ryoichi


To establish an exchange frequency of a rupture disk (hereinafter called "RD") installed in a evaporator and a superheater (hereinafter called "ED", "SH") of the prototype fast-breeder reactor MONJU (hereinafter called "MONJU"), the purpose of this study is to estimate the aging degradation of used RD in MONJU and material test and bursting test of used RD were carried out. When massive Na-H$$_{2}$$O reaction occurred in the ED, SH, RD is the equipment which was installed for the purpose of the case that the pressure in the secondary heat transportation system is opened and opening of the pressure is detected. From the result of the examination, material characteristics were not a significant degradation. On the other hand, the bursting pressure was slightly changed. However the change was in the reach of the request value of the secondary heat transportation system. To establish the exchange frequency of the high precision for the RD, expansion of further data is needed.



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