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Report No.

Dynamical quadrupole structure factor of frustrated ferromagnetic chain

Onishi, Hiroaki  

In a spin-1/2 $$J_{1}$$-$$J_{2}$$ Heisenberg chain with ferromagnetic $$J_{1}$$ and antiferromagnetic $$J_{2}$$, the ground state in high magnetic fields is a quadrupole state, the so-called spin nematic state. To understand the properties of the spin nematic state from the viewpoint of excitation dynamics, we have studied dynamical spin structure factors by density-matrix renormalization group methods. In the spin nematic regime, we find gapless longitudinal and gapped transverse spin excitation spectra, in accordance with quasi-long-ranged longitudinal and short-ranged transverse spin correlations, respectively. These features can be examined by inelastic neutron scattering experiments. However, they are indirect evidence for the spin nematic state. Here, we proceed to analyze dynamical quadrupole structure factors to clarify excitation dynamics in the quadrupole channel. We observe gapless excitations at $$q$$=$$pi$$, signaling quasi-long-ranged antiferro-quadrupole correlations. Information of spectral intensity distribution would be useful to discuss how we can detect the spin nematic state directly by experiments.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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