※ 半角英数字
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Multipole interactions of $$Gamma_3$$ non-Kramers doublet systems on cubic lattices


久保 勝規 ; 堀田 貴嗣*

Kubo, Katsunori; Hotta, Takashi*

In this study, we investigate the multipole interactions between $$f^2$$ ions with the $$Gamma_3$$ crystalline electric field ground state. We construct the $$Gamma_3$$ doublet state of the electrons with the total angular momentum $$j=5/2$$. To derive the multipole interactions, we apply the second-order perturbation theory with respect to the intersite hopping. We obtain a quadrupole interaction for a simple cubic lattice, an octupole interaction for a bcc lattice, and both quadrupole and octupole interactions for an fcc lattice. To discuss general tendencies of the multipole interactions, we compare the present results with those for the $$Gamma_8$$ quartet systems of $$f^1$$ ions.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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