※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of core and structural materials for fast reactors


浅山 泰 ; 大塚 智史   

Asayama, Tai; Otsuka, Satoshi


This paper summarizes ongoing efforts in Japan Atomic Energy Agency on the development of core and structural materials for sodium-cooled fast reactors. For core materials, oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels and 11Cr ferritic steel (PNC-FMS) will be used for the fuel pin cladding and wrapper tube, respectively. As for ODS steel, 9Cr- and 11Cr-ODS steels have been extensively developed. Their laboratory-scale manufacturing technology has been developed including reliability improvement in tube microstructure and strength homogeneity. As for the PNC-FMS wrapper tube, the development of a dissimilar joining technique with type 316 steel and properties evaluation of dissimilar welds have been carried out. For structural materials, codification of 316FR stainless steel and Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel is ongoing. Acquisition and collection of long-term data of base metal and welded joints are continued and evaluation methodologies are being developed to establish a technical basis for 60-year design.



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