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Report No.

Irradiation induced reactivity in Monju zero power operation

Takano, Kazuya ; Maruyama, Shuhei   ; Hazama, Taira ; Usami, Shin 

Irradiation dependence of the core excess reactivity was investigated for the Monju system startup tests at zero-power carried out in 2010. The excess reactivity basically decreases with the $$beta$$ decay of $$^{241}$$Pu in zero-power operation. However, the excess reactivity little changed in the two month period of the startup tests, which suggests a positive reactivity insertion during the period. The investigated irradiation dependence shows that the positive reactivity increases with reactor operation and mostly saturates by the fission-dose attained during the Monju zero-power operation in a month ($$sim$$10$$^{17}$$ fissions/cm$$^{3}$$). The saturated positive reactivity is equivalent to approximately 47% of the initially accumulated self-irradiation damage recovery assuming the defects were recovered by the fission-fragment irradiation in the reactor operation.



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