※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Dynamic nuclear polarization of electron-beam irradiated polyethylene by pairs of alkyl free radicals


熊田 高之   

Kumada, Takayuki

We compared dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) behavior of electron-beam (EB) irradiated polyethylene (e-PE) with that of TEMPO-doped polystyrene (T-PS). Growth and decay rates of proton polarization PH of e-PE increase linearly with increasing concentration Ce of free radicals, whereas those of T-PS increase with square of Ce. From these results, we suggest that the pair of alkyl radicals produced by the radiolysis and the subsequent hydrogen abstraction reaction in e-PE plays an important role on DNP, whereas T-PS is polarized by a pair of unspecified TEMPO radicals accidentally located nearby.



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