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Behavior of cesium molybdate, Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$, in severe accident conditions, 1; Partitioning of Cs and Mo among gaseous species

シビアアクシデント条件におけるモリブデン酸セシウム、Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$の挙動,1; CsとMoの気相化学種間の分配

Do, Thi Mai Dung*; Sujatanond, S.*; 小川 徹

Do, Thi Mai Dung*; Sujatanond, S.*; Ogawa, Toru


In order to better understand the behavior of cesium in the severe accident of the LWR, the high-temperature chemistry of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ in H$$_{2}$$O+H$$_{2}$$ gas was studied. The pseudo-binary system, Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$-MoO$$_{3}$$, was thermochemically modeled with Redlich-Kister formulation to form a basis to analyze the high-temperature behavior of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$. The model prediction was compared with the thermogravimetric measurements of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ in dry and humid argon, which revealed that the mass-loss rate was enhanced in the humid atmosphere. Thermochemical model was further applied to predict the partitioning of cesium and molybdenum among gaseous species in the BWR core degradation condition typical of Short-Term Station Blackout.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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