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 年 ~ 

Analytical studies of three-dimensional evaluation of radionuclide distribution in zeolite wastes through gamma scanning of adsorption vessels


松村 太伊知 ; 永石 隆二 ; 片倉 純一*; 鈴木 雅秀*

Matsumura, Taichi; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Katakura, Junichi*; Suzuki, Masahide*


The gamma-scanning of SDS (submerged demineralizer system) vessel used as a typical vessel for decontamination of radioactive water at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) accident was simulated in the axial and radial directions of real and cylindrical-shaped vessels by using a Monte Carlo calculation code (PHITS) on the basis of the geometrical and compositional information of vessel and gamma-scanning available in the previous reports at the accident. In the axial simulation, the true distribution of radioactive $$^{137}$$Cs in the zeolite packed bed of vessel was successfully evaluated when a correction function derived from a virtual constant distribution of $$^{137}$$Cs was applied to the reported gamma-scanning profile. In the radial simulation, the virtual disk-formed and shell-formed sources of $$^{137}$$Cs displaced in the packed bed were clearly observed from the top and bottom views of vessel. This new radial gamma-scanning indicates that the radial localization of $$^{137}$$Cs could be well observed by measuring gamma-ray from the top view of vessel during storage. We further examined the radial gamma-scanning from the side view whether the radial localization of $$^{137}$$Cs can be confirmed in the normally existing gamma-scanning room or not.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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