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New liquid-liquid extraction apparatus; "Emulsion-flow" extractor

長縄 弘親  

Naganawa, Hirochika


A new liquid-liquid extraction method, called the emulsion-flow method, has recently been developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The emulsion-flow method, where low cost, simplicity, high efficiency, compactness, safety, and eco-friendly go together, has attracted attention, and has been expected to bring innovation to liquid-liquid extraction technologies. Compared with conventional industrial apparatuses, an emulsion-flow apparatus successfully combines the lowest cost superior to a spray column and the highest performance (the highest efficiency and the highest processing speed) comparable to a centrifugal extractor. Furthermore, the emulsion-flow method can also be used for collecting particulate components by utilizing their aggregation onto a liquid-liquid interface and for purifying water polluted by oil with its remarkable phase-separating ability.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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