※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Electronic structure of Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$; Photoelectron spectroscopy of the Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$[PF$$_{6}$$$$^{-}$$] salt and STM of the single Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$ molecules on Cu(111)

Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$の電子構造; Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$[PF$$_{6}$$$$^{-}$$]塩の光電子分光およびCu(111)表面の単一Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$分子の走査型トンネル顕微鏡分析

山田 洋一*; Kuklin, A. V.*; 佐藤 翔*; 江坂 文孝  ; 角 直也*; Zhang, C.*; 佐々木 正洋*; Kwon, E.*; 笠間 泰彦*; Avramov, P. V.*; 境 誠司*

Yamada, Yoichi*; Kuklin, A. V.*; Sato, Sho*; Esaka, Fumitaka; Sumi, Naoya*; Zhang, C.*; Sasaki, Masahiro*; Kwon, E.*; Kasama, Yasuhiko*; Avramov, P. V.*; Sakai, Seiji*


We report first STM observation of the Li$$^{+}$$ ion endohedral C$$_{60}$$, which is of a new class of endohedral fullerenes, prepared by means of evaporation of high-purity Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$[PF$$_{6}$$$$^{-}$$] salt in ultra-high vacuum. Prior to the STM measurements, the electronic structure of Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$ in the Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$[PF$$_{6}$$$$^{-}$$] salt was also precisely determined. In the salt, it is shown that Li and PF$$_{6}$$ have nearly single positive and negative charge, respectively, and the C$$_{60}$$ cage is nearly neutral, suggesting that Li$$^{+}$$@C$$_{60}$$ in the salt retains its original electronic state.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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