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Localized 5$$f^2$$ states in UPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ and valence crossover in the Vicinity of Heavy-Fermion superconductivity

Metoki, Naoto   ; Haga, Yoshinori   ; Yamamoto, Etsuji  ; Matsuda, Masaaki*

The localized 5$$f$$ states with 5$$f^2$$ ($$^3H_4$$) configuration of U$$^{4+}$$ ion have been revealed in UPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$. We found that the low-lying states are the same as PrPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ flat orbitals with large $$J_z$$ are stabilized by a two-dimensional CEF potential in the unique crystal structure. The present study involves the valence crossover from tetravalent to trivalent in a series of AnPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$, demonstrated by lattice and/or transport anomaly as well as many body effects in the vicinity of the boundary. The valence instability plays important role for the unusual heavy fermion superconductivity in NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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