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Proposal of a simple evaluation method for sloshing impact pressure on flat roofs


高屋 茂  ; 藤崎 竜也*

Takaya, Shigeru; Fujisaki, Tatsuya*


Sloshing is one of important issues for both loop-type and tank-type fast reactors with free liquid surface. Periods of seismic vibration are lengthened by base isolation systems installed to prevent damages to facilities during earthquakes, and get close to the natural periods of sloshing. As a result, sloshing is promoted. Sloshing waves are assumed to even reach a roof slab of a reactor vessel in severe seismic conditions. It is important to evaluate structural integrity for sloshing impacts on roofs. However, there are not any established evaluation methods for impact pressure on flat roofs yet. Therefore, in this study, a simple evaluation method is proposed based on Wagner's theory. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using computational fluid dynamics analysis and literature data of sloshing experiments.



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