※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Proton hyperpolarization for polarized neutron scattering


熊田 高之   

Kumada, Takayuki


Scattering length of thermal and cold neutrons for protons remarkably depends on relative direction of their spins. Thus, scattering pattern of polarized neutrons varies as a function of proton-polarization of target samples. Spin-contrast-variation (SCV) is a technique to determine detailed structural information of composite materials from the polarization-dependent multiple scattering curves. We started the SCV-SANS measurements in 2009 in Japan Research Reactor (JRR-3) and Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), and carried out a lot of measurements. Recently, we succeed in determining multiple surface and interface structure parameters of multi-layered systems using SCV neutron reflectometry. We are also developing SCV neutron powder diffractometry, which determines crystalline structure by distinguishing overlapped multiple peaks from the polarization-dependent peak patterns.



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