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Positronium in room temperature ionic liquids


平出 哲也  

Hirade, Tetsuya


There are many new application of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) for many different fields. One of them is reprocessing spent nuclear fuels and then research of irradiation effects on RTILs are very important. The positron annihilation techniques are very strong tool to investigate fast reactions of excess electrons. Positron annihilation age-momentum correlation (AMOC) experiment was applied to deepen understanding the phenomena occurred at very young positron ages. We clarified that Ps bubble formation in RTILs was very slow and, finally, oscillation of Ps bubble was observed just after the Ps formation at near melting temperatures. These results can indicate that Ps formation occurred in very short time in RTILs. The phenomena observed by Ps just in RTILs will be discussed.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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