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Report No.

Quantum optimal control of rovibrational excitations of a diatomic alkali halide; One-photon vs. two-photon processes

Kurosaki, Yuzuru*; Yokoyama, Keiichi  

Regarding rovibrational transitions of diatomic alkali haride molecules, optimal waveform of laser electric field was calculated on the basis of the optimal control theory. In this study, we implemented the polarizability term into the Hamiltonian, which defines the field-molecule interaction. As a result, we obtained waveforms causing both one- and two-photon processes in a relatively high electric field regime, while waveforms causing only one-photon process was observed in a weak filed regime as well as the previous study. These results imply that the effect of two-photon process is successfully taken into account in the optimal control theory calculation. Now we can expect more reliable calculation even for strong laser field.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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