※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Trial fabrication and basic test of a recovery device for loose parts in liquid sodium

上田 雅司 ; 石黒 貴寛*; 服部 終始*; 服部 司*; 白濱 卓馬*

Ueda, Masashi; Ishiguro, Takahiro*; Hattori, Shushi*; Hattori, Tsukasa*; Shirahama, Takuma*


Sodium-cooled fast reactors need special maintenance technologies such as remote maintenance, under sodium viewer etc., because sodium is opaque, chemically active and the maintenance works must be performed in high temperature. To acquire basic knowledge for remote maintenance technology in liquid sodium, a trial product of recover device for loose parts was fabricated and tested in sodium. The positions of loose parts were approximately estimated by using ultrasound, and the parts were recovered by the device successfully.



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