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Report No.

High spectral resolution of diode laser absorption spectroscopy for isotope analysis using a supersonic plasma jet

Kuwahara, Akira   ; Aiba, Yasuaki*; Yamasaki, Shinya*; Nankawa, Takuya ; Matsui, Makoto*

Although high-temperature plasma sources have been used for direct isotope analysis of solid samples, the spectral resolution of diode laser absorption spectroscopy in high-temperature plasma is limited by the Doppler broadening of atomic absorption lines. Thus, a decrease in translational temperature is necessary to enhance the spectral resolution and distinguish isotope shifts due to mass number. In this study, a supersonic plasma wind tunnel, also called an arc-jet plasma wind tunnel, was used to enhance spectral resolution drastically, and a demonstration was carried out using natural stable xenon isotopes. As a result, the temperature was found to be about 180 K and the spectral resolution was about one order of magnitude higher than that of the conventional high-temperature source. Additionally, the method proposed herein was verified by using two xenon isotopes.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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