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Report No.

Progress status of proof-of-principle demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ laser stripping at J-PARC 3-GeV RCS

Saha, P. K.   ; Harada, Hiroyuki  ; Kinsho, Michikazu  ; Miura, Akihiko ; Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Okabe, Kota  ; Suganuma, Kazuaki ; Yamane, Isao*; Irie, Yoshiro*; Liu, Y.*; Sato, Atsushi*; Inoue, Shunsuke*; Yoneda, Hitoki*; Michine, Yurina*

To ensure stable operation of J-PARC RCS at 1 MW beam power and beyond, an alternative H$$^{-}$$ stripping injection method other than using stripper foil has to be implemented. A short life time of the foil due to foil degradation caused by high intensity beam irradiation as well as an extremely high residual radiation at the injection area caused by the foil beam scattering beam loss are two serious issues not only to maintain a long-term stable operation, but also for the facility maintenance. The laser stripping of H$$^{-}$$ holds the promise of overcoming and eliminating the above issues, as it has no lifetime issue as well as completely nondestructive. To establish and develop the new method for the RCS operation, a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping by using only laser has to be carried out first. The progress status of the POP experiment, which includes recent beam study and simulation results for the H$$^{-}$$ beam manipulations to reduce the laser power is presented.



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