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Report No.

Development of ocean radiocesium distribution estimation system for recycling radiocesium-contaminated soil to coastal reclamation

Miwa, Kazuji ; Takeda, Seiji ; Iimoto, Takeshi*

The Ministry of the Environment has indicated the policy of recycling the contaminated soil generated by decontamination activity after the Fukushima accident as material. By recycling to coastal reclamation which is one of effective recycling application, dissolved radiocesium and absorbed radiocesium on soil particles will flow out to the ocean by construction. It is suggested by previous studies that the both types of radionuclides affect concentration of radionuclides in marine organism. In safety assessment for the recycling, it is necessary to consider transition of nuclides in both types. Therefore, we developed a model to evaluate the radionuclides transition in the ocean considering the both types of radionuclides which flow out during constructing and operation. The concentration of radiocesium in ocean is estimated with time, and the impact of internal exposure dose by sea food ingestion is evaluated through comparison with other major exposure pathway.



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