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Status of the neutron time-of-flight single-crystal diffraction data-processing software STARGazer


矢野 直峰*; 山田 太郎*; 細谷 孝明*; 大原 高志   ; 田中 伊知朗*; 新村 信雄*; 日下 勝弘*

Yano, Naomine*; Yamada, Taro*; Hosoya, Takaaki*; Ohara, Takashi; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Niimura, Nobuo*; Kusaka, Katsuhiro*

STARGazer is a data processing software for neutron time-of-flight (TOF) single-crystal diffraction data collected by the IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer (iBIX) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). This software creates hkl intensity data from three-dimensional (x, y, TOF) diffraction data. STARGazer is composed of both a data processing component and a data visualization component. This article describes the status of data processing software STARGazer and its data processing algorithms.



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分野:Biochemical Research Methods



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