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Report No.

Thermophysical properties of molten stainless steel containing 5mass%B$$_{4}$$C

Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Yamano, Hidemasa   

An electromagnetic-levitation technique performed in a static magnetic field was used to measure the density, surface tension, normal spectral emissivity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of molten 316L stainless steel (SS316L) and SS316L that contained 5mass%B$$_{4}$$C. The addition of 5mass%B$$_{4}$$C to SS316L yielded reductions of 111 K, 6%, 19%, and 6% in the liquidus temperature, density, normal spectral emissivity, and thermal conductivity at the liquidus temperature of SS316L, respectively. The heat capacity increased by 5% with this addition. Although the 5mass%B$$_{4}$$C addition had no clear effect on the surface tension, sulfur dissolved in the SS316L resulted in a significant decrease in the surface tension.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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