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Report No.

Influence of grating type obstacle on stratification breakup by a vertical jet

Abe, Satoshi  ; Ishigaki, Masahiro ; Shibamoto, Yasuteru ; Yonomoto, Taisuke 

At Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), small scale experiment, named VIMES (VIsualization and MEasurement system on stratification behavior) experiment, has been performed since 2014. In this paper, we introduce the influence of grating type obstacle to the VIMES experiment. Two types of grating obstacle were constructed based on the aperture area ratio. The obstacles were placed at the intermediate position between the jet nozzle exit and bottom of the initial stratification. Experimental results showed that the vertical jet was strongly affected by the grating obstacle. Due to the rectifying effect, the radial spreading was suppressed and the velocity magnitude on the jet center line became larger than that in case without the grating obstacle. Meanwhile, due to the resistance effect, the integral momentum flux of the vertical jet was decayed with decrease of the aperture area ratio. It means that in case with the grating obstacle the integral jet penetration strength was decayed, although the local jet penetration to the stratification was stronger than that in case without the grating obstacle. Also, the slower stratification breakup could be observed with decrease of the aperture area ratio, indicating that stratification breakup rate to be discussed in detail considering every possible effect of a jet penetration.



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