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Report No.

Formation of metal ion complexes in cementitious porewaters and leachates

Walker, C.*; Anraku, Sohtaro ; Oda, Chie  ; Mihara, Morihiro  ; Honda, Akira

Reaction of cationic metals (M) and anionic ligands (L) to form ML complexes can alter the dissolution of minerals and the concentration levels of elements in solution. A provisional assessment of ML complex formation in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) porewater and leachates was made with the assistance of the geochemical computer program PHREEQC and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) thermodynamic database for geochemical reactions. Thermodynamic properties of ML complexes were either compiled from the literature or estimated by X-Y weighted linear correlation methods. Simulation of OPC hydration and degradation experiments demonstrated that ML complex formation had little effect on the concentrations of K, Na and Ca, and so too therefore the pH of OPC porewater and leachates. Formation of NaL, CaL and MgL complexes caused a significant increase in the concentrations of Mg, Al, Fe, Si, S, and C. Increased concentrations of these elements meant that OPC hydrates were more soluble and more rapidly consumed during the course of OPC degradation.



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