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 年 ~ 

Magnetic and electrical properties of the ternary compound U$$_2$$Ir$$_3$$Si$$_5$$ with one-dimensional uranium zigzag chains


Li, D. X.*; 本多 史憲*; 三宅 厚志*; 本間 佳哉*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; Maurya, A.*; 佐藤 芳樹*; 徳永 将史*; 青木 大*

Li, D. X.*; Honda, Fuminori*; Miyake, Atsushi*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Haga, Yoshinori; Nakamura, Ai*; Shimizu, Yusei*; Maurya, A.*; Sato, Yoshiki*; Tokunaga, Masashi*; Aoki, Dai*

Physical properties of the single-crystalline U$$_2$$Ir$$_3$$Si$$_5$$, a new ternary uranium compound with U$$_2$$Co$$_3$$Si$$_5$$-type orthorhombic structure, are investigated by means of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity. This compound undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition followed by a first-order phase transition at lower temperature. A possible mechanism of the first-order transition is the occurrence of a magnetic magnetic quadrupolar order, resulting from the quasi-one-dimensional uranium zigzag chain.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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