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 年 ~ 


Measurement of terahertz waveform right after the generation using the OH1 crystal

横山 啓一  ; 松田 晶平  

Yokoyama, Keiichi; Matsuda, Shohei


The scheme of cesium isotope separation proposed by us needs low-frequency terahertz wave, which often suffers from significant loss during wave traveling due to the diffraction. To avoid this difficulty, it may be helpful to design an experiment involving interaction between matter and terahertz wave right after the generation. With this regards, we conducted an experiment to measure terahertz waveform right after the generation with the OH1 crystal, which is known to have high efficiency in both THz generation and electro-optic effect. As a result, we found that the waveform can be measured without bother from the pump pulse, by using reflection of terahertz wave inside the OH1 crystal.



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