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Change in structure between the $$I$$=1/2 states in $$^{181}$$Tl and $$^{177,179}$$Au


Cubiss, J. G.*; Barzakh, A. E.*; Andreyev, A. N.; 他57名*

Cubiss, J. G.*; Barzakh, A. E.*; Andreyev, A. N.; 57 of others*

The first accurate measurements of the $$alpha$$-decay branching ratio and half-life of the I$$^pi$$=1/2$$^{+}$$ ground state in $$^{181}$$Tl have been made, along with the first determination of the magnetic moments and I=1/2 spin assignments of the ground states in $$^{177,179}$$Au. The results are discussed within the complementary systematics of the reduced $$alpha$$-decay widths and nuclear g factors of low-lying, I$$^pi$$=1/2$$^{+}$$states in the neutron-deficient lead region. The findings shed light on the unexpected hindrance of the 1/2$$^{+}$$ $$rightarrow$$ 1/2$$^{+}$$, $$^{181}$$Tl$$^{g}$$ $$rightarrow$$ $$^{177}$$Au$$^{g}$$ $$alpha$$decay, which is explained by a mixing of $$pi$$3s$$_{1/2}$$and $$pi$$2d$$_{3/2}$$ configurations in $$^{177}$$Au$$^{g}$$, whilst $$^{181}$$Tl$$^{g}$$ remains a near-pure $$pi$$3s$$^{1/2}$$. This conclusion is inferred from the g factor of $$^{177}$$Au$$^{g}$$ which has an intermediate value between those of $$pi$$3s$$_{1/2}$$ and $$pi$$2d$$_{3/2}$$ states. A similar mixed configuration is proposed for the I$$^pi$$=1/2$$^{+}$$ ground state of $$^{179}$$Au. This mixing may provide evidence for triaxial shapes in the ground states in these nuclei.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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