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Impact of safety design enhancements on construction cost of the advanced sodium loop fast reactor in Japan


加藤 篤志 ; 向井田 恭子  

Kato, Atsushi; Mukaida, Kyoko


Improvement of economic competitiveness is a part of key requirement in the project. By adopting innovative technologies to reduce plant commodities, JSFR could achieve economic competitiveness compared with LWR. After the Fukushima-Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants accident, safety enhancement measures were added on LWR in Japan mainly against external hazards. In parallel, Safety Design Criteria and Guidelines (SDC/SDG) for SFR were constructed in the framework of Generation IV international forum. Design studies of JSFR were carried out responding to GIF SDC/SDG and lessons learn from the Fukushima accident. This reports an impact of recent safety design enhancements on JSFR construction cost. Safety design enhancement adopted in JSFR.



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