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Comparative study on the thermal behavior of structural concretes of sodium-cooled fast reactor


菊地 晋  ; 古賀 信吉*; 山崎 淳司*

Kikuchi, Shin; Koga, Nobuyoshi*; Yamazaki, Atsushi*


In this study, two siliceous concretes with similar specification as structural concretes of SFR were selected for the comparative study of the thermal behavior. The thermal behavior of the structural concretes was investigated in a temperature range from room temperature to 1900 K using TG-differential thermal analysis (DTA) and other supplementary techniques. The softening and melting of the concretes initiated in the thermal decomposition product of the cement portion in the temperature range 1400-1600 K. Because the compositional difference between the cement portion of two different siliceous concretes was characterized by different Ca(OH)$$_{2}$$/CaCO$$_{3}$$ ratios, the melting temperature ranges of those thermal decomposition products are not so significantly different. On the other hand, the melting of the aggregate is directly influenced by the initial composition of SiO$$_{2}$$ compounds.



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