※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Cause analysis of stress corrosion cracking incident due to polyvinyl chloride cable on glove box


山田 美一 ; 柴沼 公和

Yamada, Yoshikazu; Shibanuma, Kimikazu


During a periodic inspection, multiple spot-like nuclear material contamination (maximum 21.7 Bq) was detected at the outer surface of a glove-box (GB) body used to install equipment for fabricating mixed oxide (MOX) fuel at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The inspection confirmed a total of 13 cracks passing through the thickness direction of the GB and a bleeding phenomenon was observed on the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cables in the GB. These cracks were judged as stress corrosion cracking induced by the generation of chlorine gas by irradiation of PVC cables lying against the inner surface of the GB.



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