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Localized magnetic excitations in the fully frustrated dimerized magnet Ba$$_{2}$$CoSi$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$Cl$$_{2}$$


栗田 伸之*; 山本 大輔*; 金坂 拓哉*; 古川 信夫*; 河村 聖子   ; 中島 健次  ; 田中 秀数*

Kurita, Nubuyuki*; Yamamoto, Daisuke*; Kanesaka, Takuya*; Furukawa, Nobuo*; Kawamura, Seiko; Nakajima, Kenji; Tanaka, Hidekazu*

Magnetic excitations of the effective spin $$S$$ =1/2 dimerized magnet Ba$$_{2}$$CoSi$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$Cl$$_{2}$$ have been probed directly via inelastic neutron scattering experiments. We observed five types of excitation, which are all dispersionless within the resolution limits. The scattering intensities of the three low-lying excitations were found to exhibit different $$Q$$-dependences. Detailed analysis has demonstrated that Ba$$_{2}$$CoSi$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$Cl$$_{2}$$ is a two dimensional spin dimer system described only by a single dimer site, where the triplet excitations are localized owing to the almost perfect frustration of the interdimer exchange interactions and the undimerized spins, even in small concentration, make an essential contribution to the excitation spectrum.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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