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Time-controlled synthesis of the 3D coordination polymer U(1,2,3-Hbtc)$$_{2}$$ followed by the formation of molecular poly-oxo cluster {$rm U$_{14}$$} containing hemimellitate uranium(IV)

反応時間を制御した4価ウラン(U(IV))の3次元ポリマーの合成、及びU(IV)-ヘミメリット酸のポリオキソ・クラスター {$rm U$_{14}$$}$ $の生成

Dufaye, M.*; Martin, N. P.*; Duval, S.*; Volkringer, C.*; 池田 篤史  ; Loiseau, T.*

Dufaye, M.*; Martin, N. P.*; Duval, S.*; Volkringer, C.*; Ikeda, Atsushi; Loiseau, T.*

4価ウラン(U(IV))のヘミメリット酸との配位化合物がアセトン+水溶媒中で2種類合成され、構造同定された。水分量を調整したアセトン溶媒中では、U(IV)の加水分解はゆっくりと起こり、その結果、{$rm U$_{12}$$}$ $や{$rm U$_{14}$$}$ $といった特異なポリオキソ-U(IV)クラスターが生成していることを確認した。

Two coordination compounds bearing tetravalent uranium (UIV)) were synthesized in the presence of tritopic hemimellitic acid in acetonitrile with a controlled amount of water (H$$_{2}$$O/U $${approx}$$ 8) and structurally characterized. The slow hydrolysis reaction together with the partial decomposition of the starting organic reactants into oxalate and acetate molecules induces the generation of such a large poly-oxo cluster with fourteen uranium centers. Structural comparisons with other closely related uranium-containing clusters, such as the {$rm U$_{12}$$}$ cluster based on the association of inner core [U$_{6}$$O$$_{8}$$] with three dinuclear sub-units {$rm U$_{2}$$}, were performed.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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