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In situ time-resolved XAFS studies on photo-induced particle formation in an aqueous/ethanol solution of PdCl$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ using ns pulsed UV laser; Dependence of chemical kinetics on laser pulse energy

Saeki, Morihisa*; Yomogida, Takumi   ; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Nakanishi, Ryuzo*; Taguchi, Tomitsugu*; Tsuji, Takuya  ; Saito, Hiroyuki*; Oba, Hironori*  

In the absence of a photoactivator, the laser-induced particle formation in an H$$_{2}$$O/ EtOH solution of PdCl$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ was performed by three kinds of irradiation condition using fourth harmonics of the pulsed UV laser (266 nm). In the irradiation, pulsed laser energy was arranged to 5, 10 and 25 mJ, where average laser power is kept to 250 mW. The reaction kinetics of the laser-induced particle formation was observed using dispersive XAFS measurement. About half of Pd ions were reduced with 5 mJ pulsed laser irradiation. In contrast, all Pd ions were reduced with 25 mJ pulsed laser irradiation. The result elucidates that the laser photon contributes to the generation of Pd metals by the multi-photon process.



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