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 年 ~ 

Magnetic textures and dynamics in magnetic Weyl semimetals


荒木 康史   

Araki, Yasufumi

Recent theoretical and experimental attempts have been successful in finding magnetic Weyl semimetal phases, which show both nodal-point structure in the electronic bands and magnetic orders. Beyond uniform ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic orders, nonuniform magnetic textures, such as domain walls and skyrmions, may even more enrich the properties of the Weyl electrons in such materials. This article gives a topical review on interplay between Weyl electrons and magnetic textures in those magnetic Weyl semimetals. The basics of magnetic textures in non-topological magnetic metals are reviewed first, and then the effect of magnetic textures in Weyl semimetals is discussed, regarding the recent theoretical and experimental progress therein. The idea of the fictitious "axial gauge fields" is pointed out, which effectively describes the effect of magnetic textures on the Weyl electrons and can well account for the properties of the electrons localized around magnetic domain walls.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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