※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


A Study on the evaluation of topographic change due to uplift, denudation and eustasy affecting to nuclide migration for disposal of radioactive wastes

島田 太郎 ; 打越 絵美子*; 高井 静霞 ; 武田 聖司 

Shimada, Taro; Uchikoshi, Emiko*; Takai, Shizuka; Takeda, Seiji


Long-term topographic change due to uplift, denudation and eustasy may change the field of groundwater flow and nuclide migration when radioactive wastes are disposed at the repository near the sea. In this report, we constructed the frame work for evaluating uncertainties of future topograophic changes. Using the evaluation code under developing at JAEA, we tried evaluating the future topographic change until 0.125k years after for catchment basin near the sea.



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