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 年 ~ 

Comparative studies of three-dimensional analysis and measurement for establishing pulse electromagnet design


高柳 智弘   ; 植野 智晶*; 堀野 光喜*; 小野 礼人; 山本 風海   ; 金正 倫計  

Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Ueno, Tomoaki*; Horino, Koki*; Ono, Ayato; Yamamoto, Kazami; Kinsho, Michikazu

A new horizontal shift bump magnet for the J-PARC RCS injection system was designed and fabricated. The magnet is a pulse magnet that repeatedly excites a trapezoidal waveform of about 1.5ms at 25Hz with the maximum current of 16kA and the voltage of 12kV. In order to design the magnets of such specifications, three-dimensional analysis of time-varying magnetic field which capable of evaluating eddy currents is required. Using one electromagnet model, the difference between the static magnetic field analysis and the dynamic magnetic field analysis, and the difference between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis were compared, respectively. In addition, we also verified the analysis result and the actual measurement results carried out by the search coil and the hall probe. Finally, we established a pulse electromagnet design method. The verification results by the fabricated electromagnet are presented here.



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分野:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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