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Report No.

Research on factor analysis for achieving denuclearisation, 3; Denuclearisation at Libya: Process and success factors

Tamai, Hiroshi ; Shimizu, Ryo ; Tazaki, Makiko ; Kimura, Takashi ; Nakatani, Takayoshi ; Suda, Kazunori 

Libya's denuclearisation, named "the Libya model", is regarded as one of good practices in cooperation of the international community and measures that have a sense of speed with the countries and institutions involved. Success factors of the denuclearisation are the Libya's relatively low technological progress despite the procurement of extensive nuclear materials and components due to the delay of detecting the nuclear programme, prompt implementation with the close collaboration of countries concerned, and Libya's cooperation facing to the economic sanctions and the regime collapse by the Iraq war. Precious lessons will be learned towards the prevention and the denuclearisation in other countries.



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